Calculated relation
Kevin Ryan
The feature described here would be super useful for custom API integrations where you don't necessarily know the specific identifiers for a relation at entity creation time. The added feature for setting relation based on search query is great for ocean integrations, but it doesn't seem to have the same functionality for API integrations.
Gur Shafriri
👋🏼 we didn't do this exact feature, but we did release setting relation based on search queries - which should help achieving similar flows when configuring data sources mappings
Dudi - Port team
João Mota
this would be super helpful as at this moment there is a burden on an entity to know the identities of the related entities at ingested time. I currently am relying on a naming schema (e.g. using the k8s exporter to ingest data about deployments and link them to related entities) to avoid having to run secondary scripts to query the api and link those relations
Dudi - Port team
João Mota: Thanks a lot for the feedback! Glad you liked it 😃
We believe this capability will make the data modeling process much more efficient, as it allows you to bring all data into Port as properties, and then decide what properties represent relation in a specific blueprint.