Fetch CODEOWNER errors from Github integration
Simon Beaulieu
It would be nice to be able to automatically pull CODEOWNER errors (if any) with the "kinds" defined by Port's Github integration. Either as a standalone "kind" or activate with a parameter and linked to a "repository", like we are doing with Github teams.
Here is the endpoint documentation: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/repos/repos?apiVersion=2022-11-28#list-codeowners-errors
Our use case would be to track which repository has invalid CODEOWNER files and notify them/trigger actions/trigger self-service actions to have them correct it ASAP.
Simon Beaulieu
Current workaround: Create a blueprint that contains information from the codeowner errors payload and create entities from it using Port's API + a custom script.
This feature request is specifically to have this implemented so we don't need to have a custom solution.