Multi-line Text Input type (text area)
Matan Grady
A possible workaround here is to set the field as a markdown - opening a bigger text box when clicking.
Rich Rein
Matan Grady To a point, yes - though we had a few use cases where we were trying to avoid the overhead of formatted text/adding an extra click to interact with the markdown editor, and really just focused on a bit more visual space for both the input and display of plain, unformatted text. Consider the example of the description for a portal feedback item in the demo site - something like this, where I was imagining that the description might render on multiple lines and/or two columns, instead of needing to hover to see the full text.
(Thanks Hila Kashai for trying to catch that these two seemed similar and merging them, but I had originally opted to not just upvote/comment on this request - and written my request up separately - because they felt different enough, at least in how I was thinking about our need.)
Hila Kashai
Rich Rein: Unmerged them, sorry for the confusion 🙏
Rich Rein
Hila Kashai Sorry to be a pest, but I can't seem to find my original request after your last comment - do you have better visibility into what the unmerge did?
Hila Kashai
Rich Rein Hey! The original request is here: