Private / Personal Dashboards
Hila Kashai
Hey all!
A feature we just released is a step in the direction of private and personal dashboards 🙂
Now admins can give edit access to catalog pages and dashboards, allowing users to customize pages to their needs!
Siva Mambakkam
Admins should be able to create "[multiple] template dashboards".
Users then can select one of those templates and use that as a base to further customize the functionality of the dashboard.
The customized dashboard would then be set as the default landing page for that user.
If users needs to change things, they could re-select a standard template and customize that further and make it as a their default.
Matan Grady
Merged in a post:
Support create, update and delete functionality via Page Permissions for members/moderators
Currently admins can only restrict whether members can read a page, but not grant users access to update/create/delete pages.
Granting members the ability to update pages will allow them to build custom views.
Aidan O'Connor
It would also be nice to let administrators see the personal dashboards to be able to help users troubleshoot issues with their dashboards
Gur Shafriri
Currently looking into adding the option to create private pages and share them with your team
Dudi - Port team