Support showing additional property for entity selection dropdown lists
Alon Moscovitz
When selecting an entity the user can see and filter by the title and id of the entity. For some entities this is not sufficient as it might not be enough for the user to understand which entity to select when multiple entities can have the same title and the id is an a meaningless integer.
e.g. selecting a gitlab group. there can be multiple group with the same name. In the drop down list we'll see multiple such entities and below each there will be their int id but what we really need to be able to show is the full path of the group so the user can understand which of the multiple entities is the one they really intend to operate on.
Aidan O'Connor
Adding to Alon Moscovitz's comment, I think the ability to sort based on a property and display one property instead of the identifier is a step in the right direction, but being able to add one or a few more properties will fully resolve this (in my view). If I'm able to view the Title; and one or a few more contextually relevant properties; and have all entities sorted by another property, I can effectively use the entity selection. Though potentially the ideal use of entity selection would be a collapsible right-side drawer that shows a table with all properties of the entity type in question that could be searched, sorted, and filtered; and a checkbox option next to all entities to indicate the final selection
Gur Shafriri
Alon Moscovitz When sorting the list of entities, instead of showing the id Port will show the property which was selected for sorting.
See the docs on sorting entity lists, and let me know if that works for you!