TechDocs - Documentation tree for a catalog entity
Dudi - Port team
Currently, you can ingest markdown documents into Port by creating markdown properties. Each document will be displayed in Port as a tab on the specific entity page.
We would like to add the ability to create a "documentation tree" for each entity, allowing you to create a full wiki inside your developer portal.
Similar to the singular markdown documents, the documents in the "documentation tree" will be searchable via the global search.
Paulo Pereira
Are there any updates on this? Is there anything that can be shared?
We are evaluating Port, and this is a really important feature for us, so it would be good to have an update if possible.
Simon Beaulieu
Would this feature support mapping various markdown files using a glob pattern without need to have explicit properties to map them to ? An array of markdown files could also work.
Our use case would be to ingest all markdown files in a repository without explicitly knowing how many there will be beforehand. Since the number of results can vary dynamically, we cannot have one blueprint property of "markdown" type ready to accept each file.
Rory Logue
Any updates on this please?
We were told Q3 2024 and it's hard to run two catalogs at once without this feature being implemented.
Rory Logue
Are there any updates on this that can be shared?
Hila Kashai
Rory Logue: Hey there! Currently, we support ingesting documentation as markdown files into Port using our markdown type property ( The ingested documentation is searchable using the global search.
We're in the early design stages for enabling you to ingest an entire documentation tree in markdown format from various sources. Once implemented, this documentation tree will also be indexed and fully searchable. We’ll keep you updated on progress as we move forward!
Rory Logue
Hila KashaiThank you, we're aware of the limitations of the current way of doing this and will need to wait for the documentation tree.
Ingesting hundreds of markdown documents in properties does not make it a searchable and useable documentation tree right now.
Josef Karthauser
Having a document tree is a good idea. We currently use markdown properties and feed the markdown from a file longside a port.yml in our git repo.
Extending this to allow an entire subdirectory of md, including images, would be a significant enhancement.
Josef Karthauser
I've added another road map item on markdown:
Sebastien Foo
I hope this feature will also be providing a solution for displaying the pictures in a md.
Gur Shafriri
Dudi - Port team