"filter": { "combinator": "and", "conditions": [ { "relation": "repository", "operator": "=", "value": "bananas" } ] }, Above would apply to the whole scorecard as it’s not a possible field on each rule. If we have a service blueprint and want an entity to be ignored by certain rules of a scorecard, we should be able to filter on each rule. A scorecard will have multiple rules, 7/10 may apply, the other 3 we can use a common property to ignore and ‘pass’ the scorecard but that is irrelevant information to the entity and it fakes a pass when it should be ignored, just like the filter above does for a whole scorecard. E.g. if I have an observability scorecard and it has 10 rules which are datadog monitors, datadog alerts, sentry alerts etc etc ..but some entities (lets say 5/40) can ignore this, I want to ignore them cleanly by using a filter. https://port-community.slack.com/archives/C07CB3MV63G/p1726578072124179