Now that a deep link to a specific self-service action is available, we have taken advantage to link directly to a self-service action. Specifically, we have made a similar portal feedback mechanism to the one offered in the demo site, and then added a hyperlink within the description of a given page like "Have feedback about this page?" which is hyperlinked to the "Leave feedback about the portal" Day 2 action. Unfortunately, this link takes the user to the Self-service page (albeit with the correct action modal opened to the form). Completing the form then leaves then on the Self-service page. Similar to how related self service actions are handled within an entity table or from an action card, it would be nice to have a way to trigger the display of the appropriate self-service action form as a modal over the page that the user is currently (perhaps with some opinionated/specially handled markdown syntax to designate creating a link to trigger the display of a specific self-service action?).